Smoking is a strong, complicated addiction with three parts: addiction to nicotine, habit and emotions. You need the best tools to help with the physical and emotional symptoms. Acupuncture to stop smoking may be a great resource to help you succeed.
Acupuncture has been used to help smoking cessation for a long time. There is also some research evidence supporting these claims. Acupuncture is a technique derived from traditional Chinese medicine that uses tiny needles to stimulate certain points on the body. It may help with quitting smoking by calming jitters, curbing cravings, increasing relaxation and helping detoxify the body.
Although acupuncture for smoking cessation may make it easier to quit on your own, you will still need to make a strong commitment to quitting as the effect may take a few sessions to build up.
We have grasped a set of acupuncture points which may be used to help quitting smoking. By stimulating this set of acupuncture points, we improve the circulation and the ‘ying and yang’ balance, as well as promoting the flow of ‘qi’. A specific Chinese medicine formula is also used to help eliminating toxins within the body. A typical course of treatment requires 4 to 10 sessions, 2 to 3 sessions per week.
If you would like to learn more about using acupuncture to stop smoking, or would like to book an initial consultation with one of our professional and experienced acupuncturists, please call your closest location (Perth Clinic: 57/76 Newcastle Street (08) 9228 8828, Subiaco Clinic: 6/1 Sheen Street (08) 9380 4171). Alternatively, you can send us your queries through our online contact page.