Your skin is one of the most vulnerable organs of your body. Though seldom life threatening, skin disorders such as acne, rosacea, eczema, psoriasis and more, can be very uncomfortable and may cause chronic disabilities. In addition, because skin is so visible, skin disorders can lead to psychological stress. Skin problems can be one of the most frustrating and stubborn group of symptoms to successfully treat. Many pharmaceutical solutions offer quick relief but do not provide a lasting solution. They may also come with risks such as toxic build-up in the body and weakening of other organ systems. More and more people are choosing alternative solutions, which are safer and which address the root cause of the symptom instead of covering it up each time it re-appears. Chinese herbs and acupuncture for acne and skin disorders is a less invasive and non-chemical treatment.
For thousands of years, Chinese herbs and acupuncture have been used to treat a wide variety of health conditions including many common skin disorders. Although skin problems manifest externally, their root causes are often complex. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the skin disorders are usually caused by a combination of internal imbalances and external pathological environmental factors. Internal imbalances may include a weak immune system, digestive disorders, poor diet, unbalanced lifestyle, stress, genetic constitution, and unbalanced emotions. Pathological external environmental factors are often weather related which invade the body causing symptoms to appear on the skin. Examples of recognised environmental factors involved in skin conditions are wind, heat, cold, dampness, and dryness. These aspects of diagnosis are often seen in combination with each other.
Each condition for each individual patient is unique, and is treated as such. It is usually very important to use Chinese herbs daily, taken internally along with topically applied liniments, with acupuncture. Aside from herbs and acupuncture, dietary changes are also recommended. Generally, people with skin disorders should avoid alcohol, fish, shrimp, and crab. Eating leafy green vegetables and fruits is strongly recommended. Metabolism of certain food can contribute to skin conditions.
If you suffer from a skin condition, call an acupuncturist with experience in treating these conditions to find out more about how acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine may help you. If you would like to learn more about acupuncture and Chinese herbal medice treatment for acne and skin disorders, or would like to book an initial consultation with one of our professional and experienced acupuncturists, please call your closest location (Perth Clinic: 57/76 Newcastle Street (08) 9228 8828, Subiaco Clinic: 6/1 Sheen Street (08) 9380 4171). Alternatively, you can send us your queries through our online contact page.
Your skin is one of the most vulnerable organs of your body. Though seldom life threatening, skin disorders such as acne, rosacea, eczema, psoriasis and more, can be very uncomfortable and may cause chronic disabilities. In addition, because skin is so visible, skin disorders can lead to psychological stress. Skin problems can be one of the most frustrating and stubborn group of symptoms to successfully treat. Many pharmaceutical solutions offer quick relief but do not provide a lasting solution. They may also come with risks such as toxic build-up in the body and weakening of other organ systems. More and more people are choosing alternative solutions, which are safer and which address the root cause of the symptom instead of covering it up each time it re-appears. Chinese herbs and acupuncture for acne and skin disorders is a less invasive and non-chemical treatment.
For thousands of years, Chinese herbs and acupuncture have been used to treat a wide variety of health conditions including many common skin disorders. Although skin problems manifest externally, their root causes are often complex. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the skin disorders are usually caused by a combination of internal imbalances and external pathological environmental factors. Internal imbalances may include a weak immune system, digestive disorders, poor diet, unbalanced lifestyle, stress, genetic constitution, and unbalanced emotions. Pathological external environmental factors are often weather related which invade the body causing symptoms to appear on the skin. Examples of recognised environmental factors involved in skin conditions are wind, heat, cold, dampness, and dryness. These aspects of diagnosis are often seen in combination with each other.
Each condition for each individual patient is unique, and is treated as such. It is usually very important to use Chinese herbs daily, taken internally along with topically applied liniments, with acupuncture. Aside from herbs and acupuncture, dietary changes are also recommended. Generally, people with skin disorders should avoid alcohol, fish, shrimp, and crab. Eating leafy green vegetables and fruits is strongly recommended. Metabolism of certain food can contribute to skin conditions.
If you suffer from a skin condition, call an acupuncturist with experience in treating these conditions to find out more about how acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine may help you. If you would like to learn more about acupuncture and Chinese herbal medice treatment for acne and skin disorders, or would like to book an initial consultation with one of our professional and experienced acupuncturists, please call your closest location (Perth Clinic: 57/76 Newcastle Street (08) 9228 8828, Subiaco Clinic: 6/1 Sheen Street (08) 9380 4171). Alternatively, you can send us your queries through our online contact page.
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