Acupuncture for Fertility and IVF Support is used as a supporting treatment for couples undergoing in vitro fertilisation (IVF). Many health practitioners may recommend acupuncture as an adjunct treatment that may assist with IVF treatment. There is continuing research about how acupuncture can assist with the effectiveness of IVF treatment. There is also broad agreement by Chinese medicine practitioners and other health practitioners about acupuncture as a supporting treatment for IVF. You should consult your treating practitioner about how acupuncture for fertility and IVF support may be able to help you.
We also use Chinese medicine with acupuncture for IVF support for better outcome. Our acupuncturists and Chinese medicine practitioners have up to 35 years’ clinical experiences in this area.
- An initial consultation is necessary to determine the right points and meridians for you based on your body conditions.
- 2 – 3 treatments per week, for 30 minutes each time. A treatment course of acupuncture for infertility usually requires 12 sessions.
- For those who are in the period of ovulation, more treatments may be needed.
For more information regarding acupuncture for fertility and IVF support at our Perth or Subiaco clinics, please call your closest location (Perth Clinic: 9228 8828; Subiaco Clinic: 9380 4171). Alternatively, you can send us your queries through our online contact page.