How Acupuncture Helps with Irregular Menstruation
At some stage in their lives, most women will experience an abnormal menstrual cycle. This includes irregular periods or missed periods. For the average woman,
At some stage in their lives, most women will experience an abnormal menstrual cycle. This includes irregular periods or missed periods. For the average woman,
Sinusitis is a medical condition where the tissue linings of the sinuses become inflamed. It can be short term, caused by a viral or bacterial
With Australian sport more competitive than ever, traditional Chinese Medicine plays an important role in treating athletes. To be successful in any sport there’s a
The practice of using acupuncture to treat ailments, alleviate pain and other symptoms of ill health, and restore general well-being has been around for thousands
Chinese cupping therapy is another modality of Traditional Chinese Medicine besides acupuncture, massage therapy and herbal medicine. This practice dates back over 2,000 years but
Have you ever tried acupuncture for tinnitus? What is tinnitus and what are the causes of tinnitus? Have you ever suffered from a peculiar ringing
You have probably heard about acupuncture, one of the popular forms of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) dating back to ancient times. Though acupuncture is making
Australian Bureau of Statistics released figures showing that stress levels in Australians are peaking more than ever. According to a study on stress and wellbeing
Infertility is on the rise – one in six Australian couples suffers infertility. Since 1976, the total fertility rate for Australia has been below replacement
Obesity represents a major health and societal issue for Australia. An Australian health survey (2011-2012), highlights that 63% of adults are now overweight or obese,
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