Cosmetic acupuncture may be helpful with the management of wrinkles, fine lines and folds.
With our cosmetic acupuncture treatment, our acupuncturist does not only do facial acupuncture, but also does body acupuncture to improve the whole body of blood conditioning, balance the body, and maintain the overall health. Moreover, the needles used for facial acupuncture are not normal needles but designed for facial.
The facial acupuncture is not claimable from private health fund. So in our cosmetic acupuncture treatment, we charge $80 for each session ($60 for body which is claimable if you have a right level of private health fund; $20 for facials acupuncture which is not claimable). We also charge $15 initial consultation fee for your first acupuncture session only.
For more information regarding cosmetic acupuncture at our Perth or Subiaco clinics, please call your closest location (Perth Clinic: 9228 8828; Subiaco Clinic: 9380 4171). Alternatively, you can send us your queries through our online contact page.